Tuesday, January 28, 2014

City leaders need to show fiscal restraint

Letter to Glendale News Press

The public has an opportunity to repeal the 7% utility users tax, which is located on one’s Glendale Water and Power utility bill and natural gas bill. A petition is being circulated throughout our city in which the public has a chance to regain control of their local government from the politicians. Enough is enough in taxes and in fees!

While struggling families and businesses are coping with today’s economy, our politicians lack fiscal responsibility.

From 2001 through 2012, Glendale’s population declined. During the same period, the city’s budget increased by a staggering amount. The City Council is currently proposing further increases in the city’s utility taxes as well as other taxes.

Because our city leaders are either unable or unwilling to control spending and manage resources, the people must take direct action to ensure they do so. Reducing city revenue will force our leaders to be more competent rather than perpetually seeking new ways to tax the public.

As usual, our politicians will use scare tactics against the uninformed public when claiming “they” need the money.

The collection of signatures neither supports nor opposes the utility users tax initiative. It simply places the initiative on the ballot and allows the voters to decide their future.

Mike Mohill

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Caltrans concerns were foreseeable

Letter to Glendale News Press

Our council members like to think of themselves as great visionaries. So why did the public have to read in the News-Press on Jan. 10 that Caltrans confirmed the consistent concerns of the public over planning for the approximately 21 apartment complexes with 3,800 apartments for south Glendale? Caltrans would not have been so critical of our council and planning department had the council spent less time on design and more time planning for the infrastructure of the city.

The individual buildings wouldn’t have a significant effect on the infrastructure of the city, but the cumulative effect of approximately 3,800 apartments will not only impinge on nearby neighborhood street parking and traffic, but will also create more havoc at the 134 Freeway exits at Pacific, Brand, Central and Glendale avenues.

Why didn’t our council members ask the developers for more impact fees? Whatever happened to prudent development, controlled growth and not greed? Rapid overdevelopment only creates jobs for our union employees. Instead, the taxpayers of Glendale, and not the out-of-town wealthy developers, will see their quality of life affected.